Advice to Young Moms

I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of young moms recently, including our daughter. Our hostess Becki made it so special and the brunch was just lovely! I thought I would share my advice with you that I shared with those sweet moms.

✨ God will meet you right where you are - in the car or in the bathroom!! Even through your children’s books. When our children were little, I didn’t have time to read my own devotionals, but I would find God could still speak to me through my children’s bedtime stories!

✨ Try not to compare to others… I think raising a family today is SO much harder than it used to be. Especially with more technology and social media, it’s so easy to compare your life to others. Comparison is the thief of joy!

✨ Don’t wait for things to be perfect - or it’ll never happen! Start small, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Make it SIMPLE!

The Bible says, “A generous man will prosper, he who refreshes others, will himself be refreshed.” -Proverbs 11:25

I think that’s a great promise from God!!

I have lots of other simple ideas to show kindness to others in my book, Simple Hospitality! What ideas would you want to share with others?

How amazing is this cake with fresh flowers!? It was from Morgan Hunter Desserts, Orlando FL

My daughter Betsy was able to join - so special!


Being Neighborly at Christmastime


Recipe: Ma’s Apple Pie